martes, 31 de julio de 2018

Two People acting wrongfully do not create one person acting rightfully-

My dear children,

We harvest, from life, what we plant in life. And, what we take care of, in life, is what we really want to see grow.

Sometimes we plant some seeds and they grow beautifully, and at other times, we plant seeds and they die before they even sprout. Why? Because some we take care of more than others.

We can’t plant any seed and expect it to grow without giving it water and looking after it.
Even if it manages to sprout, the plant cannot survive in the blazing heat without any water.

In the same way, as the plant, we can’t plants the seeds of indifference and expect to harvest concern. If we want concern, we have to show it. If we want people to care, we have to care.

There are many feuds in the world, much arguing, too many political stances and far too many opinions. Yet, for all the opinions in the world, there are very few that “actually” matter because, nowadays, too few are formulated by the Heart and too many formulated by the ego.

Every life is Divine but Human life is exceptionally precious. It is a testimony to the incredible creation of Love. It is, in a way, our personal identifier in this world. Anyone who knows me and whispers my name, in silence, to someone else, knows what I look like; even if I am not there.

As a flower, I do not cease to exist if I do not appear for centuries. My legend carries on long after I have lost my bloom.

In this way, every Human Being deserves acknowledgement for their existence. No Human Being deserves to be ignored or treated with dismissal; especially not one that offers love. In Buddhism, there is a very strong message that says: "Every human life has value."

Sometimes, it may be a little harder than others, to distinguish what purpose some human lives have here, but they all have a purpose because they are all our teachers. We benefit, from them, by learning the things “not to do” just as much as the “things to do.” We can learn patience from those who challenge us. We can learn compassion from those who are merciless with us.

We can love our neighbours and neighbouring countries. There is no such thing as an enemy. It is an illusion; created to keep us all apart. It is a distraction from discovering that we all share the same things in common. We laugh, we love, we cry, we bleed. We are all only Human Beings. We are all on a journey. We are all just doing the best that we can with the knowledge we have.

Although, they are suppose to be representative of a nation, we cannot judge a country’s people by the few who make it into the limelight. Nor can we judge people by their politicians. Every story has two sides. It’s time we listened to both sides and not just our own.

If we want our neighbours and our neighbouring countries to show us compassion, we must show it first. We need to take the responsibility of doing the right thing. Two people acting wrongly will never make one person acting rightfully. So, we need to lead the way and set the example of what love truly is, what compassion truly is and what kindness really means.

Mahatma Ghandi said: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” This is what he meant, put out into the world that which you wish to receive back. Jesus Christ said: Turn the other cheek” ... (should someone strike you) but he didn’t mean let them strike you again. He meant show them another way. The way of love.

Anger can never calm anger just like a fire can never put out a fire. Be the water to put out the fire. Don’t be the fuel that adds to it.

The dark can only remain dark until we shine a light in it. We cannot wait for others to shine that light. We have to become the light.

Even if you can never make peace with your neighbour, you can still show compassion by not causing them any harm. If you do no harm, no harm shall come to you.

Find peace in your Hearts dear ones.

Find Peace.

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