sábado, 21 de julio de 2018

An official message from the Udumbara in Flower

Good morning dear, beautiful, world,

I have been slowly awakening since 2002. In 2014, I sent my first message to you all and allowed a friend to post it. A few weeks ago, I sent her another message in the hope you may read it ... Unitl, I decided it was time to come out of hiding and start posting my own messages.

I am no longer bound by the chains of fear. I am strong enough to stand on my own and speak my truth.

I know, my beloved Tibetan people, that you have been suffering a lot. I have walked among you. I have heard your stories. Through you, I have felt what you have felt. Through you, I have seen what you have seen. But, I could do nothing more than to alleviate your pain and suffering in some small way.

I feel the tension grow among the young people. I hear their cries to fight against oppression. I feel their restlessness in my heart. They would seek revenge for their families and their suffering. They would take back what was unjustly taken from them. But, at what cost?

Fighting is not the answer, dear ones. It is not the answer.

I know your cry, I have heard this cry all over the world - not just from you, dear ones, but also from every human in every country that has suffered oppression, war, famine, disaster, eviction from their country and total destruction. Even there, revenge is not the answer.

The innocent are killed by those who were once innocent. They allow themselves to succumb and surrender to disillusion. They are fed by negative emotions. They allow this negativity to cloud their judgement. They allow their negative feelings to grow and grow until they are overpowered by their desire to seek revenge and satisfy their lust for blood. This is how the perpetual cycle of Samsara persists.

Samsara is what we create. We need to take responsibility for that. 

We feed the perpetual cycle of Samsara. How? -  You kill my brother, I kill your father. You kill my mother, I kill 10 of your sisters. Then, you will take revenge again and kill 20 of my sisters. In reality, though, you didn't kill my 20 sisters. I killed them. I condemned them to death in the very moment that I decided to take revenge and kill any member of your family or friends. I brought about my own suffering. And, just as I brought about my own suffering, you brought about yours. We bring about each others' suffering.

Negative energy is a very powerful force. When it isn't controlled, it will grow rampant. It creates an inner widlfire that is so powerful that everything, in its path, will be burned to ashes. We, ourselves, go down in flames if we cannot pour water on the fire. This is, literally, what burning in the realms of hell is. It is this Samsara we create for ourselves and others.

This is not who we are as a human race. This is not who we are as beings of light. This is not how we follow the teachings of the Buddha, nor Christ, nor Krishna, nor Mohammed, nor Moses, Nor Abraham, nor Zeus, nor Allah nor God nor Ra nor Shiva/Shakti. This should never be what we aspire to in life.

In continuing to allow this persistent cycle of Samsara, we are choosing to stay in the Hell Realms. We are pouring our Buddha potential into negative thoughts and actions. We are blind to all the beauty we can create instead. We are wasting our precious life in thoughts and deeds that serve no purpose other than to create destruction for others and ourselves. This is wholly contradictory to any teachings of any great man, or woman, who, in the name of any religion tried to bring people back to their natural, and pure, state of being.

Fire cannot be put out with fire.

Love, Kindness and Compassion are the answers. Sometimes, we have to wait patiently for that which we wish to attain. But, patience is our great Master.

If we want peace, we have to be peace. If we want our land back, we have to befriend our neighbours with healthy boundaries. If we wish to receive love, we have to give it.

Tibet, has always been considered the Shangri-la of the world. Not because of our oral religious teachings but because, as people, we lived in a way that showed the world there was a better way. We lived by our teachings. We showed the world that, even on earth, in the here and now, Nirvana was possible. We taught, and claimed our reputation by living by example. If we lose that now, all will be lost forever and people will not see there is another way.

We, dear beautiful ones, have to be the example the world can use to live in a better way.

We cannot fight in love. In love, there is no fighting. In love, with love and through love, we use our energy, with Wisdom, to build and to create. When the foundations are laid, nobody may see anything obvious but when the building starts to go up, everyone will notice the strength of its walls. Everyone will ask how this is possible in such times of turmoil and, slowly, but surely, everyone will eventually start copying and a new trend is born. People follow other people's lead.

Even in politics, we can make this a reality. Change is inevitable and, we too, are responsible for creating that change. We can only make it positive when we decide to leave the realms of Hell and live, once again, in Shangri-la where Nirvana is possible here on earth as well.

I am here. I am observing. I am strong and I have found my voice. My Grandfather, His Holisness the 14th Dalai Lama's has taught me well. He is your Grandfather too and all Grandfathers are wise. A Dalai Lama even wiser. Do not dismiss him as an elderly gentleman who needs to move with the times. He has moved with the times and more times than any youngling. His love, kindness and compassion is what has given him the strength to overcome all obstacles in life; including his own pain and suffering. It is, precisely, the combination of all of these aspects, plus his faith in the Buddha's teachings, that has made him the wisest among the wise.

Love, Kindness and Compassion are the only solutions to every day problems. It takes a stronger person to adhere to these qualities than succumb to negative emotions.

Live by his example. If you are a Christian, live by the example of Christ - turn the other cheek. It doesn't mean you allow people to walk all over you. It just means that you find a better way to respond in Loving kindness with compassion by putting out a fire instead of adding fuel to it.

May you all have, and create for yourself, the conditions for happiness and may you always be happy.

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